Главен редактор
  • проф. д-р Христина Николова
Редакционен съвет
  • проф. д-р Христина Николова, УНСC
  • проф. д.с.н. Елка Тодорова, УНСС
  • проф. д.н. Мая Ламбовска, УНСС
  • доц. д-р Тодор Недев, УНСС
  • доц. д-р Дорина Кабакчиева, УНСС
  • доц. д-р Паскал Желев, УНСС
Научен секретар
  • доц. д-р Александър Вълков, УНСС
  • ас. д-р Веселина Любомирова, УНСС
Международен редакционен съвет
  • Damian Stantchev, PhD
    Edinburgh NAPIER University, UK

  • Ivaylo Vassilev, PhD
    University of Southampton,UK

  • Prof. Irina Kuzmina-Merlino, PhD
    Transport and Telecommunication Institute, Riga

  • Milan Zdravkovic
    University of Niš, Serbia

  • Prof. Niculae Mihaita, PhD
    Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Romania

  • Prof. Ricardo Jardim-Gonçalves, PhD
    UNINOVA institute, New University of Lisbon, Portugal

  • Prof. Ing. Jaroslav Belás, PhD
    Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Czech Republic

  • Prof. John Rijsman, PhD
    Tilburg University

  • Prof. Ing. Zdenek Dvorák, PhD
    University of Zilina, Slovak Republic

  • Prof. Zoran Cekerevac, PhD
    “Union – Nikola Tesla” University in Belgrade, Serbia

The Automation of Standard People Operations in the Energy Transport
Научни трудове на УНСС - Том 5/2021
година 2021
Брой 5

The Automation of Standard People Operations in the Energy Transport


The automation of business processes and operations is a global trend. Automation is software or mechanical self-fulfilling process without or with a minimal human intervention and control. In specific processes and parts of the energy transport the automation is already happening. It can replace significant part of human labour or just to take and reduce the routine physical or repeating mental efforts of the jobs. Automation tools and systems in the energy transport are strongly dominated by open-source software automation tools. Therefore, a part of professional skills required before automation will not be useful in the future, but to handle automation trend, many new skills and knowledge will be needed by the human jobs of the future.

JEL: J230

Ключови думи

Software, automation, skills, open source, energy transport
Свалете RP.2021.5.09.pdf

ISSN (print): 0861-9344
ISSN (online): 2534-8957